
PRC Information

Student smiling at the cameraThe Philip J. Rock Center and School (PRC) serves two distinct functions in providing services to individuals who are deaf-blind.

  • The residential school offers one of the most intensive, comprehensive educational programs available for children who are deaf-blind in the 3- to 21-year-old age group.
  • The Center provides a wide range of services on a statewide basis. Services are provided in schools, medical settings, early intervention centers and homes.

The combined Center and School concept makes possible a program which provides a continuum of services to children who are deaf-blind and their families, as well as limited services to the adults who are deaf-blind.

The Center and School is operated by The Illinois State Board of Education. The primary goal of the Philip J. Rock Center and School is to help people who are deaf-blind achieve maximum independence based on their individual potential.

Our vision is of the community of the Philip J. Rock Center and School, which consists of the parents, educational staff, and support staff, working together so that all students learn the skills needed to become valued and accepted members in their home, local, and future adult communities.

PRC's Results on Testing for Lead in Water

Red check mark on white notepad paper image.

As required by the State of Illinois, the Philip Rock Center and School tested for lead in water used for drinking and cooking. Pekron Consulting, Inc. performed the water sampling on June 15, 2018.

According to the Pekron report:

"Analytical results indicate that all ten (10) water source samples collected contained levels of lead ranging from non-detectible [sic] to 4.61. None of the water samples exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) action level for lead which is set at 15 micrograms per liter of water (µg/L). Likewise, none of the water samples exceeded the Illinois Department of Public Health's (IDPH) requirements for levels of lead in drinking water of 5 parts per billion (ppb), or 5 µg/L."

The full water testing results can be found here.